Frequently Asked Questions

About Our Grants


Last Update 4 months ago

Who is eligible for an East Valley Pit Bulls grant?

Only 501(c)(3) organizations that are classified as Public Charities under section 509(a) are eligible to receive grants from us. This ensures compliance with our status as a 509(a) Non-Operating Private Foundation.

What types of projects do you fund?

We fund projects that align with our mission of pit bull advocacy and support. This includes but is not limited to rescue operations, community outreach, education programs, and medical care for pit bulls.

Are there specific timelines for grant applications?

No, we do not have specific timelines for grant applications. We review and award grants as funds become available. This flexible approach allows us to support organizations when they need it most.

How much funding can an organization receive?

There are no fixed amounts for our grants. We evaluate each application on its merits and our current funding capacity. This means grant amounts can vary widely based on the project’s needs and our available resources.

What are the terms and conditions for your grants?

We have specific terms and conditions that all grant recipients must adhere to.

Grant Terms and Conditions

  1. Purpose of Grant: The grant funds provided by East Valley Pit Bulls to the awardee shall be used exclusively for charitable purposes as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. These purposes include, but are not limited to, the rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming of pit bulls and other dogs in need, as well as community education and outreach programs related to animal welfare.

  2. Prohibited Use of Funds: The awardee agrees not to use the grant funds for any purpose that would jeopardize its tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Prohibited uses of the grant funds include, but are not limited to, engaging in political lobbying activities, participating in any partisan political campaign, or providing excessive private benefit to individuals.

  3. Financial Accountability: The awardee agrees to maintain accurate and detailed records of all expenditures related to the grant funds, including receipts, invoices, and financial reports. These records shall be made available for inspection upon request by East Valley Pit Bulls or any authorized representative.

  4. Reporting Requirements: The awardee agrees to provide East Valley Pit Bulls with a written report detailing the use of the grant funds within six months of receiving the award. The report should include a summary of expenditures, outcomes achieved, and any challenges encountered in implementing the funded programs or projects.

  5. Public Acknowledgment: The awardee agrees to acknowledge East Valley Pit Bulls as the source of funding in any public communications, publications, or materials related to the programs or projects supported by the grant. This acknowledgment should include the East Valley Pit Bulls logo and a brief description of the grant award.

  6. Grant Amendment: Any changes to the approved use of the grant funds must be requested in writing and approved by East Valley Pit Bulls in advance. The awardee agrees to promptly notify East Valley Pit Bulls of any significant changes in program activities, budget allocations, or organizational status that may affect the grant.

  7. Compliance with IRS Regulations: The awardee acknowledges its responsibility to comply with all applicable IRS regulations governing the use of grant funds by 501(c)(3) organizations. This includes maintaining tax-exempt status, filing required annual reports (e.g., Form 990), and adhering to any additional guidelines or restrictions imposed by the IRS.

By accepting the grant award, the awardee agrees to abide by the terms and conditions outlined above. Failure to comply with these terms may result in the termination of funding and/or legal action to recover misused funds.

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