Should I crop my dogs ears?

The short answer is no!


Last Update 9 months ago

Historically, pit bull ear cropping was done for various reasons, like perceived toughness or breed standards. Unfortunately, in the context of dog fighting, some people historically cropped pit bull ears and docked tails to reduce vulnerable areas during fights. It was a misguided attempt to minimize potential injuries for the dogs. It's crucial to emphasize that dog fighting is illegal and cruel.

In modern times, we recognize that these practices are inhumane and contribute to the suffering of animals. Ear cropping and tail docking for cosmetic reasons are widely discouraged by reputable veterinary associations and animal welfare organizations. These procedures don't have any health benefits and can lead to unnecessary pain and stress for the dogs. So, it's generally recommended to skip ear cropping and let our furry friends keep their natural ears!

Promoting responsible and compassionate care for our four-legged friends is the key, steering away from practices rooted in harmful traditions.

Mills KE, Robbins J, von Keyserlingk MA. Tail Docking and Ear Cropping Dogs: Public Awareness and Perceptions. PLoS One. 2016 Jun 27;11(6):e0158131. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158131. PMID: 27348817; PMCID: PMC4922641.

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