April 21, 2024
Last Update 10 bulan yang lalu
Information for existing vendors
The event is outdoors with limited shaded areas. We recommend brining a tent or cover so you aren’t in the sun. The event starts at noon; the end time is flexible, but would ask vendors to stay until around four.
The venue is QuartHaus, they’re located at 201 S Washington St in Chandler. There is free parking across the street in a city owned garage. If you would like to drive into the venue to set up, it is paved and wide enough for vehicles, but we ask that you don’t park inside the venue as space is limited.
Information for potential vendors
We do not have any more available vendor spaces. If you are a mobile vendor who would like to park on the street to provide services, please reach out to us by opening a ticket on our help center, emailing [email protected], or by calling us at (520) 460-7060 and pressing option 3.